So how does this work, anyway?
For online matchmaking, online dating support, and coaching, you can sign up right away, set up an information call, or send us your questions. For matchmaking, please apply by filling out our quick form and we’ll be in touch with the next steps!
I'm gay / bi / open / poly / trans / genderqueer / elderly / etc. Can I participate?
Absolutely! Friend of a Friend prides itself on being open and inclusive of all genders, ages, abilities, and sexualities. We are invested in intersectional dating and do our best to keep up on research and media related to dating norms and prejudice in the dating world.
Can you guarantee me love?
No one can guarantee you love and you should be suspicious of anyone who says they can. We can guarantee that we will try our best to set you up with people who fit your needs, a greater understanding of dating, and/or a more enjoyable online dating experience.